Helping Our Youth Today

Helping Our Youth Today

On WMICC Radio Tonight 8pm EST 2/25/2k14

Balance Is The Key Word-Text The Book of Proverbs

  • Youth form most of their opinions from their peer groups
  • Media Events-Concerts ECT
  • Social Media-FB, Twitter, Instagram, What’s App, ECT
  • Music is the #1 media that shapes opinion for youth today

Some parents it seems must compete for time in the world of our youth, but we must make sure we do have time in their lives.

Balance is the key. We as parents must never push on youth to give up the things that are in their peer group.

  • Pushing youth to do something only brings anxiety into the life of the youth and the family relationship.
  • Parents must lead with a balance of rules, influence and advice.

Because of the social makeup of America parents must work a little harder to have more of a part in their youth’s lives today.

Parents must remember that they are still a significant part of their youth’s lives.

Youth Are Smart-they will always listen to their parents, they may not act like they’re listening but they are.

Parents & Youth must work together in balance to bring in positive substitutes for youth.

  • Today we have Christian Rap
  • Today we have Christian Rock
  • Are some examples

There are substitutes out there. Youth sometimes will not like the substitutes but if parent offer them young people will take note of this and at least try to listen to some of the Christian artist.

Parents must advise their young people because youth will take their parents advise; they will usually file it, but nonetheless they will use it when they see a need for it.

Parent Young People Love Fun

  • Keep your home fun, funny and joyful
  • This will encourage youth to have fun at home
  • This will lessen their time on the streets/out

Note-this should not be used to manipulate youth into staying at home.

Lead youth, set balanced rules; evaluate what their peer groups. No time with peer groups may make youth Outcast in all the peer groups at school and in neighborhoods.

Parents must teach youth to think independently of peer groups; youth are smart, if parents present their point of view youth will evaluate their parent’s advice along with their friend’s advice to make some decisions.

You must know how your young person thinks; so you can make the proper assessment on how to balance advice with leadership styles. Some youth need stronger rules to govern their lives, some do not need strong rules; parents must evaluate this carefully.

In conclusion: we as Christians must remember that The Lord will help us with are youth; he has grace for us and our youth. Grace here is Jesus’ anointing/ability upon our lives and situations for our good. Jeremiah 29:11

Jesus Will Help Both Youth & Parents.     

Bishop Steven E. Anderson

Watchmen Ministries International

A Good Season For The Remnant

Watchman Steven E. Anderson

Thus Saith The Lord:

Good For The Remnant Church In America During The Storms Of America

There is going to be good times for you and your families in the mist of the storm that is over the United States of America and the judgment that is going on in My Church [1Peter4:17]. I’m going to bless you beyond your imagination, repeat I’m going to bless you beyond your imagination like you have never seen before.

You will have more leisure time from work. You will have more time for your children and their activities; closer family ties, no destruction for your homes and livelihoods, better paying jobs even though the economy is and will continue to crash and fall.

I will ensure that your life style of living will not only continue but it will grow even better.

More and more of  you will see the transfer of the wealth of the wicked into your hands spoken of in My Word. Proverbs 13:22b KJV-and the wealth of the sinner is laid up for the just. 

Your households will be safe from crime and criminal activities; your children will be safe where ever they go. Your families will be saved: the whole family, and I’m going to justify everything you do in My Name before all men. 

And I will give you new friends,  friends that are from The Remnant. Friends you can trust for your whole life while you are there in the earth.

All this you will have and see in your life time.

Psalm 34:8 KJV Oh taste and see that the Lord is Good: blessed is the man that trusteth in Him. This is My Covenant with you The Remnant Church of America.


Under The Authority of The Lord Jesus Christ

Watchman Steven E. Anderson

Watchmen Ministries International

Watchmen School of Prophets

House of Prophets

Restoration For The Remnant

Watchman Steven E. Anderson

Thus Saith The Lord:

I will restore to you My Remnant People of The Lord.

I will restore to you My Children that love Me and obey My commands.

I will restore all that your Rebellious Brothers & Sisters in the church have stolen from you.

For all of the times that your gifts where stifled in their ministries; repeat their ministries; I will restore what was with-held from you. I will restore time; I will redeem the time for you. I will give you opportunities to preach; teach, prophesy and minister to the hurting, the lost and those without hope.

I will give you the finances that these rebellious children of Mine have stolen from you. Yes they have stolen your money when they took up that offering when you preached but did not give you your proper portion. Yes they have stolen from you when they told you they would pay you for teaching at that conference and didn’t. Yes they have stolen from you when they held back your pay stating you are in the helps-ministry of the church you are volunteering at; as they walk away with millions of dollars in their: again their ministries.

Yes I will restore to you all that the canker worm has eaten, but that is from the world. Your brothers and sisters in the church have stolen from you as well and I must chasten them and return to you the money and time they have stolen from you. Yes they have stolen your time and delayed the start of many of your ministries; but I, [The Lord] will make up what they have done to you.

You will see their demise as some of you are now seeing these Words come to pass even this very day.

For many have mocked My Prophets and Watchmen stating; “God is Love, God knows my heart, why are you judging people, and who are you to judge me”.

But I tell you this day that many will look back on these times and say; that Woman of God-that Man of God was right: people are being stricken; people in the church are dying, people in the church are being chastened with sickness and disease.

I will do as I have stated in My Word: Deuteronomy 28: 15-68. And you will see all that My Prophets and Watchmen have stated come to pass in this season.

I The Lord of Host Have Spoken:

Under The Authority of The Lord Jesus Christ
Watchman Steven E. Anderson
Watchmen Ministries International
Watchmen School of Prophets
House of Prophets



Watchmen Ministries International Cyber Church; is Cyber Church from the heart of the Lord Jesus Christ with a focus on current prophetic events happening today. Our Mission is to equip those who are called into ministry and those looking to grow in the Wisdom of Jesus Christ. We understand that many have been churched out, and unchurched. WMICC is an Apostolic Church which stands solely on the WORD of GOD. WMICC is designed to provide teachings that empower the Body of Christ through Prophetic Utterance, Prophetic Direction, activation of Spiritual Gifts, ministering to the unchurched and those experiencing church hurts.

WMICC-A Safe Place For You
